September 28, 2010


I kept waking up in the night with the urge to pee. I tried to get my mind off of it. I had no flashlight to walk over to the outhouse and was already out of my comfort zone as it is; i felt cold, and dirty. Go back to bed and I will take you to the washroom first thing tomorrow morning my mind told my body. Right at 5:30am I got up to fulfill my promise. The sun was already up and it was a gorgeous day already. The idea of showering was out of the question. My mind gave my body another promise to shower once we got back into Puno; a hot shower and the works would await us there.

We all met up for a pancake breakfast. After saying our many thanks to Matilde, we got on the boat to head over to Taquile. Everyone boarded the boats and watched as the tour guide allocated the money amongst the "home-stay mothers". There was clearly some confusion as the some of the "home-stay mothers" were looking frustrated with what was handed to them. Allan the tour guide, smoothly separated himself from them and jumped onto the boat. The arguing women continued but with another man (who looked to be some kind of mayor or something.

Once we docked the island of Taquile, we walked around the for about an hour to get to the high point. Once at the top, i was faced with several great opportune moments for photographs. Great views over Lake Titicaca and you could see all the way to Bolivia. The people, like at Reed Island, were great. I bought some hand crafted bracelets from a young girl. I bought matching ones for me and Glen. Even if we're not together, we can have something that matches.

After having a trout lunch, we commenced the 500 step down back towards the boats. I started to think what it would be like to travel with Glen. Am I ready? Perhaps the next adventure I need next is one where I decide to stay and get grounded, set roots. Maybe settle down with Glen. I watch all the couples around me...holding hands, kissing, shopping for loved ones back home, even slapping ass...maybe it's time i make a move.

We got back into the boat and I checked my text messages. Glen received my letter I had sent him in the mail (before I left Vancouver). He says that he was shedding tears as he read it. I don't remember exactly what I had written but my eyes teared up right now too. I wrote that 4-page letter with no drafts or edits, sealed it in the same night so i wouldn't try and perfect it or change anything.

Once i got back into my hotel in Puno, i dropped my belongings and headed to town to do some much needed (wanted) retail therapy just as I had promised myself. I strolled around looking for souvenirs and for snacks for the coming bus ride to Cusco. I have to admit, i wasn't really looking forward to it. The trip thus far has been of an exhausting one. With an itinerary that i've set up...i was setting myself up for this. I've slept on more busses and boats than actual beds. I am getting ill and i'm not sure what to do because i know the only thing that would help is rest. Time, i do not have.
After shopping, the receptionist says to me that there's a problem with my bus ticket to Cusco...she says i do not have one. Turns out there was a big misunderstanding with Yenni (my minder) and Ines (my travel arranger from Lima). After some correspondence back and forth, Yenni assured that i would have my ticket and it's included. How was this correspondence done so quickly?..facebook. I love social media.

I took some time to message with glen while i was on the internet and send out some e-mails. Ines and Jarmy recommended i check out a cool resto bar in the area but i decided with the drama of the evening and the lack of rest...i should head to bed and get myself ready for Machu Picchu!

See ya Puno!

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