September 30, 2010

Day 1: Jungle trek triathalon

I was woken up at about midnight. Voices of drunk Israeli girls staying at the hostel echoed through the hostel as they marinated in the night out in the central courtyard. As if it wasn't enough to be woken up in this manner, my diarrhea was also in full effect! I tell myself that it's easy to be homesick when you're feeling ill so it's best to just get rid of these negative thoughts because there's nothing I can really do about it.
I got out of bed at 5am just to make sure I have everything I need for the next few days packed and ready to go. I wasn't really prepared for this trip so the bag I will be using for the next few days is actually just a simple mesh drawstring backpack (which I was using for my undergarments).
Breakfast at the hotel doesn't start until 8am and the nearby stores don't actually open until about 9am. Looks like it will be almonds and animal cookies for breakfast for me today. I waited for the tour guide/van to come by and fetch me. I waited some more. I was starting to feel relief as the thought that they may have forgotten to get me passes through my mind. A bit past 8am the tour guide finally arrives. He said he walked past the hostel 3 times. I don't blame him for missing it, it's unsuspecting from outside. We walk to the van which was parked a few blocks away. On the walk he makes small talk. He tells me that I've got the face structure of a Peruvian, one perhaps from Lima. Then he asks why I'm traveling alone with no friends and no boyfriend...wait, do you have a boyfriend he asked me as he catches himself in an assumption. I laughed and answered, yes I do. Another interesting question he poses on me was if I smoke. I told him I don't. He asked if I smoked non-cigarettes. Amused, I told him not since April, I've quit. He seems like he's been figured out and tells me he does it to relax. Small talk continued. Once we got into the van I find myself seated next to a quiet Korean guy named Machur and on my right is an Israeli guy who also happens to be staying at the same hostel as me. There are about 15 people in this group and I must admit, I'm not at all too excited to socialize. I should but I wasn't in the moment and I was busy having one...a moment, that is.
We ascended up the mountain just as we were told. Part of the way up, the van stopped so we could purchase some snacks and breakfast at a side-store. I bought yogurt as it seemed to be the safest choice to make. All the others loitered around outside of the van to eat. They chatted amongst themselves. I stood by myself and tried to not be noticed...until I realize that I have been made. I could tell he was staring at me from behind his shades as someone was attempting unrelentingly to make conversation with him. My thought: why? I stayed where I was at, hiding my non-makeup face behind my shades eating overpriced yogurt. Soon enough he interrupted the guy making conversation with him by walking away to come walk over to me. We did small talk. His name is Cedric. Judging by his longish undercut hair which was pulled back to a ponytail, his shades, sweats, and muscle tee, might think he was German or from the Eastern block. His accent gave him away, he's French. Of course.
Our tour guide (Alex) ushers all of us back into the van. Once we got to nearly the top, we find ourselves in what looks to be an unfinished parking lot. The bikes are unloaded along with safety equipment. Community helmets and gloves - my favorite. Not! I strapped them on nonetheless and adjusted my bike to a comfortable riding height. My butt would need to be at ease as I wasn't about to cause the group to slow down. Or worst, cause an unsightly scene.
The ride was easy. Winding down the mountain with some occasional cars passing by us. Some of the other girls were chatting with each other side by side on their bikes. But being the competitive person that I am, I was at the front riding alongside the tour guide. I slowed down a bit so I could properly soak in the images. I took some photos while riding as well. Cedric would speed up/slow down to ride beside me so we could continue our small talk. He's a cool guy but at this point he's seems like the flirty slooty type.
After our 2 hr descend we hop back into the van for another 1 hr ride and eat our pre-packaged lunch courtesy of the tour company. I'm starting to warm up to the group at this point. Maybe the stomach issue is just a morning thing because at this point, my stomach seems to be alright.
The 2nd part of the ride was a bumpy one. Mix this with the need to pee and it doesn't make for a pleasant ride at all. But I managed to do it anyways (and wasn't at the back of the pack either).

We got to the overnight hotel and it turns out that I was the only one who had signed up for the white river rafting portion of the adventure. To be honest, I didn't even know it was an option to not go on the river. Nobody else wanted to go for an additional $30usd. I asked for a refund as there's a minimum amount of participants in order to do this but he said he would only get back $20usd. I paid $250 for this tour while others only paid $160-190 so I was a bit peeved. I didn't want to accept the $20usd. Alex tells me that once we get back into Cusco, he would come with me to the tour company to get my money back so I agreed.

Most of the group went down to the river and dip their feet in. Some went in, some just feet deep. The air was a dry wind and made me quite thirsty. one of the Spanish girls offered me water which was nice.

We all headed back to the hotel as the rain and lightning started to dominate the small mud-road town. I text messaged Glen and waited for everyone to leave for dinner so I could try and use the toilet at peace. Three girls, including me, remained in the female dorm. Once we got beckoned to go to the restaurant for dinner, I told the others that I will be taking a shower first. Jonath (an Israeli girl) remained as she said she would wait for me so we could go together. I learn that that she has served the military in Israel for 2 year as a teacher as it is obligatory in their country. She wants to go back into school but right now she has no energy. She's been traveling around South America for 8 months now.
Alex comes to pop his head back into the room and asks me to shower after dinner as the group had already made their way to the restaurant. Alex left and I told Jonath that I would shower after. She looked at me and told me that if I wanted to shower, I should just shower. Tell him we'll meet him there, she says. She scares me a bit. So I hopped in the shower and I was half way through when I hear Alex coming up the stairs. I yell out that I'm being quick. Which I was. Jonath didn't bother showering so we just headed straight to the restaurant after. Everyone was finishing up their main meal and we were just starting our soup. I didn't have much of an appetite and barely touched my food.

I used the washroom at the restaurant (which was an outhouse) to try and sort my stomach out. It only worked half way. I got out and Alex asks me, "are you ok?" I told him the truth. My stomach hurts and I haven't acclimatized in Cusco. People are told to acclimatize in Cusco for about 4 days at least. I only had the evening to try and do this. I explained to Alex that I don't want any form of medication and would prefer to do this naturally. He says he will ask the women in the kitchen if they know any sort of remedy. He uses the washroom after me and I immediately apologize for the condition I left it in. He jokes and tells me he will give me cannabis to sort my stomach. I got back to the table the rest of the group was at. Soon after Alex comes to get me and brings me to the back kitchen. The woman there gives me a brew that consists of celery, and oregano tea. She says it will help. I sat at the back and chatted with Alex, the woman, and her husband (owners of the place). We talk about a lot of, religion, country, pride, and so one. Alex says goodnight after a lengthy conversation. I tell them that I'm off to the toilet. I came back and chatted with the couple some more. Their names are Alberro and Anna. We talked about our lives which gave me an opportunity to practice my Spanish. In conversation they mentioned to me, "you no look vegetriano". Anna gestured at the fact that I'm a bigger girl by extending her elbows outwards. I explained that cakes, cookies, and chocolate are vegetarian as well. hahaha

I go to the the table outside where the group was (or what remained of the group) after another hour of hanging with the owners. They were drinking and chatting. I waited around mainly because I didn't want to walk alone in the dark.

Once we got back into the hostel I went straight to bed. This was only until 1 am when I was woken up for a bathroom break. I got back into bed and my stomach still grumbled. This is not a good sign.

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