December 20, 2009

I have no words for this day...

Today Mereki and i did the butterfly/hummingbird/reptil tour. It was interesting and a lot slower paced than the last options we had taken but i needed to slow it down a bit. Too much all at one go wouldnt be much of a vacation. Me and adventure needed a break from each other for a bit so i can appreciate him more. Thats just the way it is.
While we were at Salvetura waiting for the tour to start, in walks in the other tour group...the one we had partied with previously. Mereki and I just kind of hid from them. There was no need to exchange greetings sober. If i see them again, it will most likely be in vancouver. If ever.

I managed to get some pretty amazing photos. One of the Jesus Christ lizard (the one that walks on water). The tour guide was on the ball with everything...he had answers to all my questions and we had a good well-rounded tour. Obviously, we forgot to tip :(
After the tour we got dropped off on the main town so we can go for lunch and pick up some things. Of course I couldnt leave Costa Rica without Cacique, salsa, and coffee so expect to see me with those in hand. Cacique isnt the best tasting alcohol (in fact itss pretty rubbing alcohol) but its true Costa Rican and hopefully it will go appreciated.

Once we got back to the hotel, the rest of the group had already started the wine and cheese dinner up on the terrace. With the sunset in place, the permanent mist in the could things be wrong?
One of the girls in the group (i wont mention names) may have had a bit too much to drink. In fact, we all had quite a bit. To sum it up, i heard a convo that i wish i had earmuffs for. Sad, but oh so very true. There were talks of massages and dirty talk en espagnol. This was about the time that i decided focus elsewhere. This girl swears nothing happened, but she didnt get back into the room until about an hour or so after the rest of the group took off from the little shindig on the terrace.

It seems that even though i may not understand tv novellas en espagnol...we are amongst plain old english. Unfortunately.
Like a car crash, i still very much want to see where this develops. Stay tuned until the next episode!

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