December 14, 2009

What the Fog, Houston??!?

I've landed in Houston where the fog lays heavy and my eyes a little less swollen. I could have served a grande sized cup for TEArs saying goodbye to mom, dad, and aissa.
Aissa was esp hard to say bye to. We couldn't quite do it proper in person...but i like to think our text message exchanges did it justice.

The goodbyes, farewells, and fights of yesterday (and this morning) feels like a thing of the distant past now. It remains hazy, yet extremely sharp in my mind.
I continue forward on this trip (scared as i am) as if driving in the fog on a familiar road. Kontrolado ko lang ang sarili ko (i can only control myself). Everyone and everything else will do as they do. I rub my eyes, maybe the fog lays behind them. I rub, but it's still here.
See you later, Houston.

1 comment:

  1. I like your metaphorical expression. Full of meaning. I was in the same situation during the Gulf War in my daring escape at the desert, scared,could not trust no one, but I was determined to get out of the s_hole.

    Agreed that past is a distant past now but one has to know the why instead of how, and you will have a better understanding and how to handle it.

    Ingat and pray always and hopefull you can post some photos in next blog
