December 15, 2009

Can't stand the heat? --> Get off the plane

I've landed in San Jose 3 hours late. The flight from Houston was delayed due to some mechanical work needed on the plane. I didn't mind...they could have taken however long they needed. I would rather be delayed than ride on a faulty plane.

The man sitting beside me was an older ethnican man wearing a jungle-feverish print shirt, cargo khaki pants, a bucket hat, and had his arm wrapped up in gauze. He was a bit of a creeper but i'm sure it's because he was doped up. He admitted to this. One of the first things he asked me once i sat down was, "what do you do to relieve a pinched nerve on your leg?" His question took me by surprise as it's not a common thing a stranger asks me. I advised him to get a massage and continued to dose off. Conversations were here and there, but i preferred them to be not at all. He mentioned that he is going to Costa Rica for a business trip. He almost blurted out the details of his trip and started to say that he was selling something...but then i think he realized he is saying too much and stopped himself.

Having not slept at all the night before leaving vancouver (because i chose to leave packing to the absolute last minute), i slept a lot on the plane. At one point on the houston-> san jose flight...i remember waking up to screaming.
A younger american couple on the other side of the aisle were, they were irate. The aircraft was fully boarded and going around the runway before the staff realized that there was some mechanical work needed. Because the passengers had already been seated, they asked us to remain until the work was done. This required the A/C to be turned off and so the plane was understandably stuffy and becoming a bit humid. The man was screaming at the male flight attendant as if it was his fault. At one point, he even went into the washroom and started punching the walls in frustration. Why does this american think that he's the only one in the heat? The flight attendant got pretty upset with this american and he suggested that he could get off the plane if it's too hot. Does this american couple know that certain parts of Central America might be hot? They continued to complain throughout the flight...and even after it. I blasted the music provided by the airline so I wouldn't hear their bullshit (The best of Toni Braxton, Simon and Garfunkel, Arctic Monkeys, Frank Sinatra...). When all gets a bit too much, just pop on the headphones. That's a remedy that seems to never fail.

It's 3am now, i guess i should sleep so i can venture about town in a few hours. I'll be local before the end of this trip.


  1. Just would like to give you Pat and Vicki Conroy address at Belize: c/o Emmaus House PO Box 1987 Belize City, Belize, Central America. email:

    They were the Agape Ministry founders helping night street workers, and now running shelter in Belize as an outreach for boys caught up in an out-of-control criminal culture. I was a Director of Finance with Agape Ministry headquartered at Keefer Street, in downtown Eastside Hastings, the poorest zip code in Vancouver where I worked at Ray Cam Center.
    I was with Dan and Sharon Dobin who are running the Agape and Sancta Maria House.I stepped down as a member of the Board two years ago due to workload at City Hall. Extend my warm greetings with them, if ever you got a chance to meet them at Belize.
    BTW,went to Kits this evening as Aissa was down with flu but now ok.


  2. hey dad i e-mailed the couple in belize to see if there's a way i could help out once i get there. just waiting on a reply. i'll keep you posted.

    super excited about possibly volunteering with them.
